This level CIPD Level 3 Award HR Supporting Good Practice to Performance and Reward Management educates the learners on how to develop and understand the relationship of performance management with the organization. First of all, they would learn the concept of performance management, which states praising the potential and performance of the employees with the provision of different benefit plans and reward schemes. Then they would come to know why supporting good practice in the organization is important and what advantages it covers. In addition to this, reward management and good performance are two directly proportional factors that maintain the organizational culture. In this manner, the students unfold several features of working in a wider range of professional contexts. Therefore, they would learn how to develop an understanding of the role of HR in reinforcing good practices in performance and reward management.
The module CIPD Level 3 Award HR Supporting Good Practice to Performance and Reward Management primarily deals with performance management and its association with organizational success. Moreover, it explains the concept of motivation as well which originates the reward management within an organizational culture. It covers 6 credits in all that revolve around the following aspects, on the whole.
Furthermore, the reward management system operates as a powerful tool for the organization that appreciates the performance of the employees, and in this manner; it leads to the effective performance and potential of the workforce. In addition to this, the productivity of the organization revolves around the performance of the employees which ultimately maximizes the service delivery of the organization. Therefore, to accomplish the corporate goals, the enterprises have to circulate the performance and reward management system.
The motivation and behaviours of the employees also play an integral role. When the employees are provided positive feedback and encouragement from the employers, they tend to infuse more interest and efficiency within their work. According to Herzberg`s theory, the top six factors that produce satisfaction and motivation among employees are achievement, recognition, responsibility, advancement, growth, and work itself.
All these factors befall the psychological needs of the employees that could never be replaced with financial forms. Consequently, if an organization needs to practice and support the reward management system within its context, it first needs to wash away all the factors that give birth to dissatisfaction among the employees.
Last yet not least, if we discuss performance within enterprises then we get to uncover that since the workforce is the real investment of the organization, its performance should be evaluated and supported highly. Doing this not only increases the company’s growth and sustainability, but it also becomes responsible for successfully achieving the trending standards in the industry. Moreover, good performance is the result of motivation and ability put into the execution of the task. On the other side, a reward system is a common concept incorporated in business contexts. It refers to all shapes of payment and rewards offered to the employees when they showcase high performance. In other words, it is a process that motivates the employees to input more skills and productivity in their performances so that their contribution leads to greater business outcomes.
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The reward system should be equal and should not target favourite employees that, generate discrimination within the organizational culture. Therefore, when the employees pour energy, creativity, time, skills, and competence into the assigned task, then it becomes their complete right to relish the fruits in the form of performance and reward management including pay raises, collective promotion, benefit plans, bonus, vacations, incentive schemes, and developmental feedback.
All in all, the module CIPD Level 3 Award HR Supporting Good Practice to Performance and Reward Management embraces all the aspects explained above and provides comprehensive knowledge to the students.
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